14mm Cooke S4/i T2.0

14mm Cooke S4/i T2.0


The Cooke S4/i 14mm Prime T2.0 offers superb optical and mechanical performance, control of flare, distortion, veiling glare and spherical aberrations at full aperture. The cam-type focus mechanism allows for smooth focus adjustments. Modular construction increases ease of maintenance and serviceability. 

S4/i lenses are designed for all PL mounted professional motion picture film and electronic cameras. The /i Technology provides cinematographers and camera operators with vital information on lens setting, focusing distance, aperture and depth-of-field, hyperfocal distance, serial number, owner data, lens type and focal length in both metric and footage measurements.

  • Focal Length: 100mm

  • Speed: T2 - T22

  • Weight: 4.8 lbs

  • Close Focus: 9"

  • Length: 5"

  • Front Diameter: 110mm

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